consults at: Coburg
279 Moreland Road
Coburg VIC 3058
Tel: 03 9386 5527
Fax: 03 9383 7185
The Royal Children's Hospital
Suite 3.7 / Level 3
48 Flemington Road
Parkville VIC 3052
Tel: 03 9386 5527
Fax: 03 9383 7185

Private Hospital Accreditations
John Fawkner Private Hospital
Cabrini Hospital Malvern & Brighton
St Vincents Private Hospital
Epworth Freemason’s Hospital
- Consultant Haematologist
Associate Professor Chris Barnes received medical training at Monash University before training in paediatric haematology and oncology at the Royal Children’s Hospital. He completed clinical and laboratory haematology training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.
Chris has trained overseas at the Hospital for Sick Children, and St Michaels Hospital, Toronto, Canada where he trained as a clinical fellow in haemostasis and thrombosis.
"Chris has a particular interest in paediatric haematology and the diagnosis and management of non – malignant haematological conditions including thrombosis and bleeding disorders."
For paediatric haematology patients:
Assoc. Prof Chris Barnes consults at rooms in the Royal Children's Hospital Precinct:
Melbourne Paediatric Specialists at the Children's
Suite 3.7 / Level 3
48 Flemington Road
Parkville VIC 3052
Tel: 03 9386 5527
For more information visit the website: